Monster:Valora Graye

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Valora Graye

Playbook: The Divine

I am the Light, the Sword. I am sent to defend the meek from Darkness. All Evil fears me, for I am its end.


Charm Cool Sharp Tough Weird
-1 +2 -1 +2 0


  • Soothe: When you talk to someone for a few seconds in a quiet voice, you can calm them down, blocking any panic, anger, or other negative emotions they have. This works even if the thing that freaked them out is still present, as long as your voice can be heard.
  • Lay On Hands: Your touch can heal injury/disease. 10+ Cool, heal 2 harm or an illness, + they’re stabilized. 7-9, you can heal the harm or illness as on a 10+, but you take it into yourself. On a miss, your aura causes them extra harm.
  • Cast Out Evil: You may banish an unnatural creature from your presence. Roll +Tough. On a 10+ it is banished. On a 7-9 it takes a little while for the banishing to take effect—the creature has time to make one or two actions. Either way, the banished creature is unharmed, and you have no control over where it goes. This move may be used on unnatural hunters (e.g. the Monstrous). On a miss, something is keeping it here. That’s bad.


  • Silver trident (3-harm h& silver holy)
  • Divine armour (1-armour holy) - chainmail. It has a look suited to your divine origin.


  • One of the other hunters (Corwyn?) has a crucial role to play in events to come. You must prepare them for their role, & protect them at any cost.


  • Woman w/ perceptive eyes wearing practical clothes


  • Rocky towards Valora: is slightly suspicious of her as he wasn't a very religious person and is now wrestling with aspects of theology and the like